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Australasian little grebe (Tachybaptus novaehollandiae) breeding on Whangarei sewerage wetlands, New Zealand, 2015–2017

Notornis, 66 (1), 16-22

A.J. Beauchamp (2019)

Article Type: Paper

Australasian little grebe (Tachybaptus novaehollandiae) was detected at the Whangarei sewerage wetlands at Kioreroa Road, in September–October 1996, and since 2012 has attempted to breed. Between October 2015 and April 2017, a pair of grebes produced 4 fledglings from 5 nesting attempts. Adults fed chicks for 26–29 days by diving in open areas with swamp lily (Ottelia avalifolia). Fledglings began independent foraging between 19 and 26 days old. Fledglings were not seen at the site after reaching c. 55-days old. The young from late clutches left the natal site in March–April, 3 weeks after their parents were last detected there. The site was not used by any grebes in June and July.

Can grey duck (Anas superciliosa) x mallard (A. platyrhynchos) hybrids be recognised in the field?

Notornis, 66 (2), 45-63

M. Williams (2019)

Article Type: Paper

Face, wing, bill, and leg characteristics of grey ducks (Anas. s. superciliosa), of captive-raised F1 and backcrossed grey duck x mallard (A. platyrhynchos) hybrids, and of wild “grey-like” and “mallard-like” ducks in New Zealand were evaluated to assist recognition of grey duck x mallard hybrids in the field. Face pattern was the single character best able to discriminate grey ducks from all others, most grey-like hybrids from all mallard-like hybrids, but not most F1 and backcrossed mallard hybrids from mallards. Upper wing pattern, and bill and leg colours assisted discrimination alongside face pattern but not so on their own. The extensive phenotypic variability now apparent within the combined grey duck – mallard population in New Zealand restricts consistent discrimination to 3 “taxa”: grey ducks, grey-like ducks (“grallard/greylard”), and mallard-like ducks (“New Zealand mallard”).

Landscape-scale applications of 1080 pesticide benefit North Island brown kiwi (Apteryx mantelli) and New Zealand fantail (Rhipidura fuliginosa) in Tongariro Forest, New Zealand

Notornis, 66 (1), 1-15

H.A. Robertson; J. Guillotel; T. Lawson; N. Sutton (2019)

Article Type: Paper

Data on the effects of aerial 1080 operations on non-target bird species in New Zealand are scarce and largely limited to short-term colour-banding or radio-tracking studies, or standardised call counts. During a 22-year study in Tongariro Forest, all 142 radio-tagged North Island brown kiwi (Apteryx mantelli) survived 4 landscape-scale (20,000 ha) aerial broadcast 1080 operations targeting brush-tailed possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) and rats (Rattus spp.). Furthermore, both kiwi chick survival to 6 months old and New Zealand fantail (Rhipidura fuliginosa) nesting success were significantly higher in the first 2 breeding seasons following the use of 1080 poison than in subsequent years of the 5-year cycle. We observed several episodes of ferret (Mustela furo) killing multiple adult kiwi, particularly in the last half of the 1080 cycle. Population modelling showed that a 5-year 1080 operation cycle resulted in population gains for 2 years, followed by declines in the remaining 3 years that largely negated these benefits. Our data thus support the shift to a 3-year 1080 operation cycle which will more likely result in this kiwi population growing at close to the 2% per year target set by the 2018–2028 Kiwi Recovery Plan.

New Zealand pipit (Anthus n. novaeseelandiae) nesting and breeding behaviour in urban Onerahi, Whangarei

Notornis, 66 (4), 200-209

A.J. Beauchamp (2019)

Article Type: Paper

Four New Zealand pipit nesting attempts were monitored in an urban wasteland field in Onerahi, Whangarei.A female laid two clutches in dense kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum) in October and December 2015 and fledged young from both clutches. Pipits were then absent from the site from February until late August 2016. The male reappeared and used the exact same home range, with a new female. This female laid two nests in the more open low gorse (Ulex europaeus) and aristea (Aristea ecklonii) cover in September and October 2016 but both nests were depredated at 3–5 and seven days after hatching, respectively. All three chicks, the female, and possibly the male were killed during the latter predation event. There were differences in adult behaviour throughout the breeding cycle. The female constructed the nest and undertook all the incubation. During the incubation period the male was only present at the nest site in the early morning and did not roost at the site each evening. The pair was present throughout the day after the chicks hatched. Pipits used more frequent calling rates when there was a perceived threat, and when that threat was near a nest.

Changes in the forest bird community of an urban sanctuary in response to pest mammal eradications and endemic bird reintroductions

Notornis, 65 (3), 132-151

C.M. Miskelly (2018)

Article Type: Paper

Zealandia (Karori Sanctuary) is a forest sanctuary which is surrounded by a predator-exclusion fence, and is situated in the Wellington city town belt, New Zealand. Following eradication of introduced mammals from within the fence in 1999, 10 species of endemic forest birds were reintroduced between 2000 and 2011, and 2 other species recolonised naturally. Five-minute bird counts were used to assess changes in the Zealandia diurnal forest bird community over 2 time periods: 1995-98 to 2002-05, and 2002-05 to 2013-16, as well as changes over the full 21 year period. Tui (Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae) was the only bird species present before the fence was completed that showed a significant, year-round positive response to mammal removal. Following the recreation of a diverse and abundant endemic bird community post-2005, detection rates for most of the species that were present before 1999 declined significantly. This included highly significant declines in detection rates for 3 native bird species: silvereye (Zosterops lateralis), grey warbler (Gerygone igata) and New Zealand fantail (Rhipidura fuliginosa). These results suggest that populations of the most common and widespread native and introduced birds are only weakly limited by mammalian predation, but can be rapidly outcompeted by restored endemic bird species if predators are removed. The forest bird community in Zealandia is now more similar to that on nearby Kapiti Island (the source site for many of the bird species translocated to Zealandia) than it is to the bird community that existed at the site before the fence was built.

Evidence for year-round breeding of birds in the Samoan islands, in the context of the Australasian and South Pacific regions

Notornis, 65 (2), 92-108

M.K. Tarburton (2018)

Article Type: Paper

This paper summarises the variations in breeding periodicity in the Australasian – South Pacific region, including recent evidence contrary to previous knowledge. Birds shown to breed in the Samoan islands throughout the year are white-tailed tropicbird (Phäethon lepturus), white-rumped swiftlet (Aerodramus spodiopygius), buff-banded rail (Gallirallus philippensis), brown noddy (Anous stolidus), white tern (Gygis alba) and wattled honeyeater (Foulchaio carunculata). In addition, crimson-crowned fruit-dove (Ptilinopus porphyraceus), blue noddy (Procelsterna caerulea), cardinal honeyeater (Myzomela cardinalis) and Polynesian triller (Lalage maculosa) breed in at least 9 months of the year. The Samoan whistler (Pachycephala flavifrons) has been found breeding in 8 months and the Samoan starling (Aplornis atrifusca) in 7 months of the year.

Bird species observed within a garden at Kaikōura, New Zealand, 2005‒2016

Notornis, 65 (3), 117-131

L. Rowe; J. Rowe (2018)

Article Type: Paper

Over 11 years, the presence of bird species detected within a garden in Kaikōura, New Zealand, were recorded on a weekly basis. Of the 19 species, Eurasian blackbird (Turdus merula merula), house sparrow (Passer domesticus domesticus) and common starling (Sturnus vulgaris vulgaris) were most commonly detected followed by silvereye (Zosterops lateralis), the most commonly detected native bird. New Zealand falcon (Falco novaeseelandiae), Australian magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen) and California quail (Callipepla californica brunnescens) were each seen once. Others recorded were bellbird (Anthornis melanura melanura), chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs), common redpoll (Carduelis flammea), dunnock (Prunella modularis), European goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis britannica), European greenfinch (Carduelis chloris), grey warbler (Gerygone igata), red-billed gull (Larus novaehollandiae scopulinus), song thrush (Turdus philomelos), South Island fantail (Rhipidura fuliginosa fuliginosa), yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella) and welcome swallow (Hirundo neoxena neoxena). Ten species exhibited significant seasonal variation; 4 showed significant increases and 2 decreases over the 11 years of the study. This study has shown that simple presence/absence observations of a species on a weekly basis can provide an index of numbers, and demonstrate seasonal movements and medium-term changes of bird species within an urban garden.

High densities of water-birds at two New Zealand fresh-water urban lakes

Notornis, 65 (2), 84-91

B.J. Gill; R.C. West (2018)

Article Type: Paper

We compared summer counts of water-birds (November–January, 2012–2016; mainly Anatidae, Phalacrocoracidae, Rallidae, Laridae) at 2 small, shallow, urban lakes set in parkland surroundings: Western Springs Lake (Auckland) and Henley Lake (Masterton), New Zealand. We recorded 25 species of water-birds; 17 at Western Springs Lake and 22 at Henley Lake, with 14 species in common. The average total densities (and biomasses) were 61 birds/ha (113 kg/ha) at Western Springs Lake, significantly higher than the 40 birds/ha (95 kg/ha) at Henley Lake. Ducks (Tadorninae, Anatinae) made the biggest single contribution to numbers at both lakes (40–60% of total water-bird density). Swans and geese (Anserinae) were less common than ducks but because they were heavier birds they accounted for 60–70% of total biomass, and were therefore the main consumers of food and producers of droppings. Introduced water-birds made up 60–70% of the density at both lakes, and 80–90% of the biomass, with no significant differences between lakes. The presence of some native species (in significantly greater total density and biomass at Western Springs Lake), and breeding of the endemic New Zealand scaup at both sites, illustrate the potential conservation value of New Zealand’s small urban lakes.