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Breeding of brown teal ( Anas chlorotis ) at Okiwi, Great Barrier Island

  • Publication Type

    Journal Article

  • Publication Year


  • Author(s)

    D. Barker; M. Williams

  • Journal Name


  • Volume, Issue

    49, 4

  • Pagination


  • Article Type



Anas chlorotis; breeding; brown teal; Great Barrier Island; New Zealand; productivity

Breeding of brown teal ( Anas chlorotis ) at Okiwi, Great Barrier Island

Notornis, 49 (4), 199-208

D. Barker; M. Williams (2002)

Article Type: paper



Breeding performance of brown teal (Anas chlorotis) nesting in a pastoral environment at Okiwi, Great Barrier Island, New Zealand was studied during 1997-99. Mean (SD) clutch size in 47 nests was 5.4 (0.9), eggs hatched in 74% of nests (n=50), and 66% of eggs (n=236) hatched. Of 31 females fitted with radio transmitters, the nesting attempt by 7 (23%) was not detected and the remainder fledged a total of 15 young, a mean (+SD) annual productivity of 0.5 (1.3) fledglings female-1. Most broods (72% n=32) became extinct within 10 days of hatching. Limited wetland habitat in the pastoral landscape concentrated nesting and brood rearing. Breeding statistics from this environment may not be representative of the wider population.