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Burrow occupancy in Westland petrels ( Procellaria westlandica )

  • Publication Type

    Journal Article

  • Publication Year


  • Author(s)

    S.M. Waugh; H. Cabrera; G.C. Wood; L.S. Davis

  • Journal Name


  • Volume, Issue

    50, 3

  • Pagination


  • Article Type



burrow occupancy; burrow-scope; Procellaria westlandica; Westland Petrel

Burrow occupancy in Westland petrels ( Procellaria westlandica )

Notornis, 50 (3), 123-127

S.M. Waugh; H. Cabrera; G.C. Wood; L.S. Davis (2003)

Article Type: paper



The Westland petrel (Procellaria westlandica) is endemic to New Zealand, and nests within a restricted area of the West Coast of the South Is. Surveys of burrow occupancy rate in 2 colonies in 2001 using burrow-scopes showed an average of 21% of burrows contained a chick or egg. The rate was c. 50% of that recorded for other burrowing seabirds and surveyed using burrow-scopes. These findings may suggest that the breeding population may have declined in recent years, or that a large group of non-breeding birds maintain territories on the colonies. Further work is planned to test the 2 opposing hypotheses.